If you have ever had to have your wisdom teeth out, you probably know just how painful the after-effects of the surgery can be, and the last thing you want to do is make the pain worse by getting an infection in the hole where the surgery took place.
French fries are a soft food, so are typically okay to eat after wisdom teeth removal as they don't have to be eaten directly on the wisdom teeth, you should however try to avoid very crispy French fries as these are harder to chew and could get stuck in your teeth.
To help your figure out what you can and can't eat after having your wisdom teeth removed and some tips for eating while taking care of your surgery we've composed a short guide below which will explain everything you need to know.
As we mentioned above, French fries are okay to eat after wisdom teeth removal since they are a soft food, you don't have to use your wisdom teeth or third molar to consume them and they can be eaten on a different side to your surgery.
Never try and eat crispy fries however as they would require you to chew with your back teeth, you should also avoid general French fries till 3-4 days after getting your teeth taken out as food can get into the teeth sockets if bleeding is still going on, this could potentially lead to infection.
Hard food has to be avoided 3-4 days after wisdom teeth surgery, if you happen to eat hard food it could potentially cause a dry socket or infection by causing it to bleed again.
We've made a list of the top foods you should try and avoid after having wisdom teeth removal down below.
There are plenty of other foods you can eat after having your wisdom teeth out, you just have to be sure you are maintaining your oral hygiene well.
We've listed some safe foods for you to eat down below.
It's best to stick to these kinds of food 3-4 days after your teeth are taken out, after this period we suggest switching slowly to semi-solid foods which don't require too much chewing.
Having your wisdom teeth removed can be very painful once the numbing wears off, you can implement some tips and tricks however to try and reduce the pain.
To conclude, French fries are fine to eat after a wisdom teeth removal as long as they are not too crispy, very crispy fries can get into your wisdom teeth hole and cause infection, you should generally avoid any food which is very chewy or hard and maintain excellent oral hygiene.
We also suggest using ice and painkiller to help with pain when eating, make sure you are sticking to liquid food for the first few days after your surgery.