How To Make S'mores In Air Fryer

Author:  Susan
Updated June 20, 2023
How To Make Smores In Air Fryer

Are you looking for a fun and safe way to enjoy s'mores without the need for a campfire? Look no further than your air fryer! Making s'mores in an air fryer is a simple and easy way to indulge in this classic treat without the hazards of an open flame.

Gathering your ingredients is the first step to making delicious s'mores in your air fryer. You will need graham crackers, marshmallows, and chocolate bars. Make sure to check that your air fryer is clean and ready to use before beginning.

Once you have your ingredients ready, it's time to start assembling your s'mores!

Takeaways Ready To Go!

  • Preheat the air fryer to 400°F for at least 5 minutes before cooking and use a heat-resistant tray or basket that fits in your air fryer.
  • Cook the s'mores in the air fryer at 370°F for 5-6 minutes, or until the marshmallows are golden brown and melted, while keeping an eye on them to avoid overcooking or burning.
  • Let the s'mores cool for a few minutes before eating to avoid burns from the hot marshmallow filling, and opt for graham crackers that aren't too sweet to balance out the sweetness of the chocolate and marshmallow.
  • Use high-quality ingredients for the best s'mores experience and enjoy them in a cozy environment, such as by a fire, with friends or family.

Gathering Your Ingredients

Now it's time to gather all your ingredients, so imagine yourself walking through a cozy grocery store, picking up graham crackers, chocolate bars, and marshmallows with a smile on your face.

Make sure to choose the highest quality ingredients possible for the best s'mores experience. You want to select graham crackers that aren't too sweet, chocolate bars that aren't too bitter, and marshmallows that aren't too hard or too soft. Opt for dark chocolate if you prefer a richer taste, and use milk chocolate for a more classic flavor.

Once you have all your ingredients, you're ready to start assembling your s'mores. But before we move on to that, remember to wash your hands and clean your workspace.

Safety is always important when cooking, even when making something as simple as s'mores. So, now that you're all set with your ingredients and your workspace is clean, let's get started on creating the perfect s'mores in your air fryer.

Assembling Your S'mores

First, gather all the ingredients and get ready to indulge in the perfect blend of gooey and crunchy goodness. Assembling your s'mores in the air fryer is a simple process that requires just a few steps. Here's what you need to do:

  • Lay out graham crackers on a flat surface.
  • Place a piece of chocolate on top of each graham cracker.
  • Add a marshmallow on top of the chocolate.
  • Top it off with another graham cracker.

Place the assembled s'mores in the air fryer basket.

Making s'mores in the air fryer is a fun and delicious way to satisfy your sweet tooth. With these simple steps, you'll have a tasty treat in no time. Now that you've assembled your s'mores, it's time to prepare your air fryer for cooking.

Preparing Your Air Fryer

To get the perfect crispy and golden brown texture for your s'mores, you'll need to prep your appliance by following these easy steps.

First, make sure that the air fryer is clean and free of any debris or leftover food particles. Then, preheat the air fryer to 400°F for at least 5 minutes, so it's nice and hot when you're ready to cook your s'mores.

Next, place the assembled s'mores onto a heat-resistant tray or basket that fits in your air fryer. Make sure they're evenly spaced out and not touching each other, so they cook evenly.

Now that your air fryer is prepped and your s'mores are ready to go, it's time to start cooking them to perfection.

Cooking Your S'mores

Get ready to experience the ultimate indulgence with perfectly cooked s'mores that will leave your taste buds craving more.

First, place your assembled s'mores into the air fryer basket, making sure they're not touching each other.

Close the air fryer and set the temperature to 370°F. Allow the s'mores to cook for 5-6 minutes, or until the marshmallows are golden brown and melted.

While your s'mores are cooking, keep an eye on them to make sure they're not overcooking or burning.

When they're done, carefully remove the basket from the air fryer and let the s'mores cool for a few minutes.

Once they're cool enough to handle, you can transfer them to a plate and enjoy your delicious treat!

Enjoying Your Delicious Treat!

Now that your golden brown and melted s'mores are ready, it's time to indulge in this irresistible treat and savor every delicious bite! But wait, before you dive in, here are three tips to make the experience even more enjoyable:

  1. Let them cool for a few minutes: As tempting as it is to immediately grab your s'mores and take a big bite, resist the urge and let them cool for a few minutes. The marshmallow filling can be extremely hot and can cause burns if eaten too quickly.
  2. Get cozy: S'mores are best enjoyed in a cozy environment. Grab a blanket, light a fire, and enjoy your treat while surrounded by the warmth of the fire. It'll make the experience even more special.
  3. Share with friends: S'mores are meant to be shared, so why not invite some friends over and enjoy them together? Sharing food with others can bring people closer together and create lasting memories.

Now go ahead, take a bite, and enjoy every gooey, decadent moment of your air fryer s'mores!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use a different type of chocolate for my s'mores in the air fryer?

Yes, you can use any type of chocolate you like for your s'mores in the air fryer. Just make sure to use a chocolate that melts well and complements the flavors of the other ingredients. Enjoy!

What is the best type of marshmallow to use for air fryer s'mores?

To create the perfect air fryer s'mores, opt for large, fluffy marshmallows. Avoid mini marshmallows as they may melt too quickly. Follow safety guidelines for cooking with an air fryer and enjoy your delicious treat!

Can I make multiple batches of s'mores in the air fryer at once?

Yes, you can make multiple batches of s'mores in the air fryer at once. Just make sure to leave enough space between them so they cook evenly. Don't overcrowd the basket and keep a close eye on them to avoid burning.

How do I clean my air fryer after making s'mores?

To clean your air fryer after making s'mores, unplug it and let it cool down. Use a damp cloth to wipe the inside and outside of the fryer. For tough stains, use a non-abrasive cleaner.

Can I use aluminum foil instead of parchment paper when making air fryer s'mores?

Yes, you can use aluminum foil instead of parchment paper when making air fryer s'mores. Just make sure to properly wrap the foil around the ingredients to avoid any potential safety hazards.


Congratulations! You've successfully made s'mores in your air fryer. Now it's time to sit back, relax, and enjoy your delicious treat.

Take a moment to savor each bite as the warm, gooey marshmallow mixes with the melted chocolate and crunchy graham cracker.

Don't forget to share with your friends and family, or maybe even try experimenting with different toppings like peanut butter or caramel.

With this easy and quick recipe, you can satisfy your sweet tooth anytime without the hassle of starting a campfire.

So go ahead, indulge in your s'mores cravings and enjoy the simplicity of making them in your air fryer.

Growing up with parents owning a fish & chips shop, I have always loved fried food. Granted, not healthy for you, but it tastes oh sooo good! Discovering air fryers and halogen fryers has been a God-send. The healthy way to eat fried foods.

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