Can You Reheat Fried Eggs? Should You?

Author:  Susan
Updated February 12, 2022
Can You Reheat Fried Eggs Should You

Our Ultimate Guide To Reheating Fried Eggs

Eggs are a kitchen staple for many of us, they make a great high protein breakfast or a quick snack and typically store very well, but you might be wondering how fried eggs hold up when it comes to reheating them for your next day meal. 

Well, you can reheat fried eggs easily on either the pan, in the oven or the microwave, but, the texture might change to be a little rubbery, so the best way is recommended in the microwave to keep them crisp and stop overcooking them.

To help you with using eggs in the kitchen, reheating and storing your fried eggs, we've composed a small guide below which will take you through if reheating eggs are safe, how to use and reheat them, how to store them and a guide to reheating other types of eggs too. 

Let's get into it!

Is Reheating Eggs Safe? 

Before we get into how to reheat your fried eggs, let's discuss the effects of doing so and whether or not it is bad for your health after the reheating process. 

Eating a leftover egg type of dish is safe, they can be eaten either cold or hot, but some people recommend reheating them to a certain temperature of around 160F to remove any bacterial which could have grown on the eggs cold. 

You should also be careful if your egg has a runny yolk as it can harbour bacteria due to natural moisture. 

The only negative effect of the reheating process on eggs is that it can change the texture of the cooked yolk and whites which can make it rubbery, they are still safe to eat, however. 

Ways To Use Eggs In The Kitchen

If you want to make types of egg dishes to eat at a later time you can use them in a variety of different ways in the kitchen, we've listed some different ways you can use eggs for meal prepping below, not just fried. 

  • Quiche.
  • Fried eggs.
  • Scrambled eggs.
  • Omelette.
  • Boiled eggs.
  • Poached eggs.

The Best Three Ways To Reheat Fried Eggs 

You can reheat fried eggs in a variety of ways however the process of reheating will produce different results to the original texture. 

We've listed three kinds of ways you can reheat your fried eggs below with step by step instructions to make the cooking process easier. 

Reheating Fried Eggs In The Microwave 

  1. First of all, take your fried eggs and cover each one with a damp paper towel, this will help to stop it from overcooking, place them all on a microwaveable plate and try to stop them from overlapping. 
  2. Start to reheat your eggs in 30-second intervals on medium heat, check them at each interval on the safe plate to ensure the softy yolk is not overcooked and recover with the moist paper towel. 
  3. Your fried eggs should not take longer than a total of 3-4 minutes to completely reheat, once hot serve straight away!

Reheating Fried Eggs In The Oven 

  1. Take an oven pan and line it with parchment paper or foil, put some cooking spray (like Fry Light) all over the pan to stop it from sticking to the eggs during the reheating process. 
  2. Place each fried eggs on the pan with some space in between then cover the top of the pan with some more foil, this will help to steam and reheat the egg rather than it cooks and become rubbery. 
  3. Your fried eggs will likely take around 10-15 minutes to heat up in the oven but it's a good idea to check on them every 5 minutes if you want your yolk runny during cooking. 
  4. Serve as soon as heated through!

Reheating Fried Eggs In The Pan 

  1. Start by heating a small amount of oil and butter in your frying pan, allow the pan to heat up then place each fried egg on top. 
  2. Heat the eggs for around 2-5 minutes, if you have a solid yolk you can flip them but for keeping the yolk intact you can also cover the frying pan with a lid for easier heating. 
  3. Remove from the pan once heated and serve on a plate!

Reheating Fried Eggs Which Are Sunny Side Up 

  1. First of all, preheat your microwave-safe plate for 30 seconds in the microwave then place the eggs on top of the microwave-safe dish evenly spread with no overlaps. 
  2. Heat in 20-second intervals to make sure the egg yolk has not exploded, your fried eggs should take around a minute to fully warm up.
  3. Allow the eggs to cool for a minute or two before serving to keep the egg yolk intact. 

How To Make The Best Fried Eggs 

Now we know three ways to reheat our fried eggs it's a good idea to learn how to make your fried eggs in the best way possible to reduce excess moisture and keep a fluffy texture. 

We've listed a simple way with step by step instructions to make the best-fried eggs below. 

  1. First of all, grab a non-stick frying pan and some oil/butter and heat it over medium heat. 
  2. Crack each of your eggs one by one into a separate bowl and pour each one into the pan, this will help to avoid any shell and keep the yolk together rather than cracking them straight into the pan. 
  3. Add your seasoning and allow them to cook for around 4 minutes on low heat until the whites are set and start to curl up at the edges. 
  4. Turn the egg over and allow it to cook on the other side for 3-4 minutes until the yolk is set, or if you want the sunny side up then allow it to cook without turning over for a few extra minutes. 
  5. Flip the egg over (if not sunny side up) and serve or put away for storage.

How To Store Eggs 

To get the best results from your egg from the fridge/freezer to reheating you need to make sure that you are storing them all properly. 

To store your fried eggs well you should make sure they are tightly sealed in plastic wrapping so that you can stop bacteria from growing and retain moisture. 

We've listed out how to store fried eggs in either your freezer or fridge below. 

  1. Wrap each egg individually in either a paper towel or plastic wrap and place in either an airtight container or in another sealed plastic bag. 
  2. Store in the fridge for either 5 days or up to 4 months in the freezer. 

Can You Reheat Sunny Side Up Eggs?

You can indeed reheat sunny side up eggs with the correct step by step instructions we listed above, you just have to ensure you are checking them at shorter intervals to avoid overcooking the yolk inside of the eggs. 

How To Reheat Other Types Of Eggs 

Reheated eggs can make a delicious side dish for lunch or to throw in a sandwich and can also be reheated in other styles, not just fried eggs. 

We've listed the best ways to reheat other kinds of eggs down below. 

Boiled Eggs 

Boiled eggs are one of the most difficult kinds of eggs to reheat, they can be reheated in either a microwave, oven or boiling water again. 

We've listed the three ways down below. 


  1. Put your eggs on a microwave-safe plate and reheat them in 30-second intervals. 
  2. Your eggs should be warmed in around three minutes, try to avoid overcooking as they can explode. 


  1. Use some cooking spray to grease a baking pan and place your boiled eggs inside, cover with aluminium foil to allow the eggs to steam, this should take around 10 minutes in total. 

Boiling Water 

  1. Reach water in a pan tilling boiling point, to speed this up you can use water from the kettle. 
  2. Take off the heat and submerge the eggs inside of the water, remove with a slotted spoon after about 3 minutes and they should be heated through!

Scrambled Eggs 

Scrambled eggs are one of the easiest types of eggs to reheat as you do not have to worry about the yolk inside breaking up as they are already scrambled! 


  1. First of all, take a baking pan and spray it with cooking spray then spread your scrambled eggs across the pan. 
  2. Cover with aluminium foil as a lid to stop them from drying out, the whole heating time should take around 20 minutes and you should stir them halfway through to ensure even heating. 


  1. Place your scrambled eggs in a microwave-safe bowl, cover with some plastic wrap and heat for around 30 seconds then stir. 
  2. Heat for another 30 seconds then serve!


  1. Take a non-stick pan and put a bit of butter or oil on it, place the scrambled eggs inside and pop a lid on top, keep it reheating on low-medium heat. 
  2. Heat for around 5 minutes stirring now and then and serve.

Poached Eggs 

Poached eggs need the most care when reheating as they can break easily and spill the contents of the yummy yolk inside. 

  1. Take a saucepan and fill it with water to submerge the eggs, let it start to simmer before putting the poached eggs inside. 
  2. Let the poached eggs simmer for around 2 minutes before eating. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Reheating Fried Eggs 

How do I stop my eggs from going rubbery? 

The best way to stop your eggs from going rubbery when reheating is by covering them up, this stops them from drying out during the reheating process, to cover could mean putting a damp tissue over the top, covering the pan with aluminium foil or a plastic wrapping your microwave dish.

Should I store boiled eggs in or out of the shell?

You can store hardboiled eggs both in and outside of their shell but out of their shell they will go bad much faster, hardboiled eggs in their shell last for much longer and can be used for up to a week, you can reheat them easily in a pan of hot water too.

Can I eat eggs cold the next day?

Yes, eggs can be eaten cold or hot once cooked, but to avoid any foodborne illnesses or contamination from your fridge you should ensure they have been stored well without touching any other food. If you are concerned we would suggest reheating them to at least 160F. 

Are eggs healthy? 

Eggs are very healthy and are a great source of protein, they contain vitamins such as B, C, E, K and D plus can lower your cholesterol when eaten in moderation. 

Can you reheat hardboil eggs in a pan?

No, hard-boil eggs should only be heated the way they are cooked, in a pan of boiling water, if not they could potentially explode in the microwave or pan.

How should I store my fried eggs?

Fried eggs should be wrapped up individually in some plastic wrap then put into a container or another plastic bag. They can then be stored in either the fridge or the freezer.

How long will eggs keep in the fridge/freezer?

Most types of eggs will keep for about 5 days in the fridge and up to 4 months in the freezer.

Can I meal prep with leftover eggs? 

Yes, leftover eggs are great for meal prepping with, you can throw them in rice, salad or sandwiches for some extra protein on the go.

What heat should I reheat eggs with? 

Always avoid heating your eggs at a very high temperature to prevent them from going rubbery, instead focus on heating them on medium heat.

Which temperature should my eggs reach? 

For food safety standards your eggs should reach a temperature of at least 160F when cooking to make sure they are safe to eat and free of bacteria.

Last Words 

 To conclude, You can indeed reheat fried eggs as long as you store them properly by wrapping them individually, we would always recommend reheating them in a microwave for the best results but they can be heated in a pan or the oven too. 

Remember to heat at a low temperature to prevent overcooking eggs and don't flip them if you want to keep the yolk soft or runny. 

Growing up with parents owning a fish & chips shop, I have always loved fried food. Granted, not healthy for you, but it tastes oh sooo good! Discovering air fryers and halogen fryers has been a God-send. The healthy way to eat fried foods.

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